From the President’s Desk
Your new officers and board members for the 2006-2007 year are now all in place and have already dug in and begun to work. I want to welcome the two new directors, Sherman McClellan and Bruce Kamich, who joined the Board on July 1. Sherman is a long-time technician and first time Board member. Bruce is a past President of the MTA.
Since our last newsletter the certification committee has completed the grading of the CMT 3 tests, and the results are quite gratifying for all of us involved in the accreditation process, as well as the candidates. Two-thirds of the candidates passed the demanding four-hour essay examination and are now in line for their Chartered Market Technician designation. The solid pass rate is a testimony to the quality of the candidates and to their knowledge and preparation. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I congratulate them. If they are already members or when they complete the membership process, they will be awarded their CMT’s.
Our annual long range planning meeting is scheduled for September 9 in New York. You will be reminded of the precise location and time on the MTA web site and in the newsletter. The long range planning meeting is one of the few times the MTA Board can get together face-to-face to discuss at length the important issues facing the MTA and the profession of technical analysis. Our Board members are scattered across the U.S. (and Canada). The meeting is, of course, open to the whole membership, and the Board encourages participation from all members. If you want to offer your opinions, you can attend or you can make your wishes known to the Board. You can email me or any other Board member with questions or comments if you are not able to attend in person.
The search for a new Executive Director goes on. The Search Committee has additional applicants to consider. However, the MTA Board would like to make it clear that it is still open to suggestions for new candidates. If you have experience in running a small business (the MTA has a five-person staff), especially if you have experience with not-for-profit organizations, or if you know someone with that background, let us know. Knowledge and interest in technical analysis are important criteria, but the ability to manage, and to work with and encourage volunteers are critical. We are looking for someone with good verbal and written communication skills and the ability to analyze financial data and make business strategy decisions. There is some travel involved, including visiting chapters and prospective chapters, and in seminar planning and execution. We are offering competitive compensation with comparable not-for-profit organizations in the New York metropolitan area. As you know, the MTA office is presently in Woodbridge, New Jersey (less than an hour from New York), but we remain committed to moving the office back to New York as soon as possible. Cover letters and bios can be sent to me at the MTA office by email or regular mail.
The vacation season is in full force. But the MTA is a year-round operation and the Board members and committee chairs will be working hard. There will be monthly educational meetings, regular Board meetings, and normal committee functions throughout the summer. The seminar committee is working on the agenda for the winter getaway and is planning the spring seminar in New York. If you have suggestions for speakers and topics, please let us know. In the meantime, it is business as usual for the staff in Woodbridge. If your summer plans take you to the New York-New Jersey area, then stop in our office, say hello, and browse in the library.
Phil Roth, CMT