Scott Nations

President and Chief Investment Officer

Scott Nations is the president and Chief Investment Officer of NationsShares, a division of Fortress Trading, Inc. Founded in 2002, NationsShares is the world’s leading independent developer of option-enhanced and option-based indexes. Scott is the creator of VolDex® (ticker symbol: VOLI), an improved measure of option implied volatility; SkewDex® (ticker symbol: SDEX), a measure of option skew; and TailDex® (ticker symbol: TDEX), the first measure of the market’s perception of tail risk. NASDAQ has licensed VolDex. 

Scott is a contributor to CNBC and can be seen on-air frequently discussing markets and how to use options and futures profitably. He is the author of three books; A History of the United States in Five Crashes, published by HarperCollins(2017), Options Math for Traders,  published by Wiley & Sons(2012), and The Complete Book of Option Spreads and Combinations, published by Wiley & Sons(2014). Prior to founding NationsShares, Scott was a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and was a market maker and floor manager for a leading S&P index option trading firm. While there, he was responsible for development and implementation of a proprietary option pricing model and deployment of the first wireless hand held computers to the trading floor. Scott holds a B.S. from the University of Kansas and lives in Chicago, IL with his wife Wendi.