Rolf Bertschi

Rolf Bertschi is the owner of FinChartOutlook GmbH. He has been a professional financial market advisor for over 35 years, beginning in 1980 when he joined the research department of Schweizerische Kreditanstalt in Zurich as a securities analyst. He became involved in Technical Analysis and became a student of the Elliott Wave Principle. In the early 1990s he built up the technical research department within Credit Suisse Private Banking.

Among his numerous and outstanding market forecasts Rolf published a long-term sell signal in the US stock market in June 2007, just ahead of the global financial crisis. Rolf became recognized as a leading global financial market expert and opinion leader. In his role as Managing Director of Technical Research, he served as a permanent member of the Credit Suisse Investment Committee from 2006 until December 2016, when he retired to become self-employed.