Paul Krikler

Paul Krikler is the founder and CEO of his own consultancy, Krikler Inc, which he founded in 2009. His clients include many of the large investment banks around the world, where he coaches Analysts, Sales People and Bankers on Presentation and Writing skills as well as Client Service Skills. Prior to this, Paul had 21 years at Goldman Sachs, in London and New York, as a Research Analyst and in other roles in Research Management. Paul is a Chartered Accountant and has a degree in Natural Sciences from Cambridge University.

Video Archive Contributions
April 6, 2017
An Interview with Paul Krikler at the 44th Annual Symposium
Presenter(s): Paul Krikler
November 30, 2016
Writing and Presenting Investment Ideas with Impact and Conviction
Presenter(s): Paul Krikler