Jonathan Arter

Jonathan Arter is the President of Taniscott Capital in Connecticut, which he founded in 2009 to carry on the trend and cycle work developed by Ian S. Notley. Jonathan and Ian worked together for nearly 20 years developing further the work Ian first pioneered at Dominion Securities and later at Yelton Fiscal, Inc.

Jonathan has worked in the investment industry since 1980.  Prior to joining Yelton Fiscal, he worked with Richard Arms who is the creator of the popular Wall Street indicator TRIN, now commonly known as The Arms Index. Earlier in his career, Jonathan focused on volume studies for the domestic and international institutional investment community. This led him on to the broader global capital markets analysis. He is a graduate of Bates College with a degree in economics.

Video Archive Contributions
May 5, 2010
Conversations: Podcast Interview with Jonathan Arter
Presenter(s): Jonathan Arter