Becoming a Member

Become an Affiliate

Whether you are pursuing the CMT designation or well past your test-taking days, CMT Association is the global destination for professional development to improve your investment performance and open a world of career opportunities. Become an Affiliate Member today to gain access to the CMT Association’s educational programming, ethics awareness, and networking. Your membership also supports ongoing corporate and regulatory advocacy.

Key Benefits

Member Benefits CMT

Types of Memberships

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate membership is available to anyone interested in technical analysis and for candidates enrolling in the CMT program. There are no work experience or educational requirements to become an Affiliate member. To upgrade your account to Affiliate Membership, visit “My Account” under the My CMT tab.
Annual dues: $325

Student Membership

Student Membership is reserved for individuals registered as a full-time college/university student at an AACSB accredited university. Students whose college/university is part of the CMT Association’s Academic Partner Program are eligible for scholarships covering a significant portion of CMT Exam registration fees. To apply for student membership, please send an email to reflecting your status as a full-time student at an AACSB accredited university.
Annual dues: $100


Emeritus status is reserved for any person aged 60+ who has been a Professional Member for at least five (5) years and is no longer engaged in an active professional practice on a salary or fee basis. Emeritus members have the same voting rights and ability to serve in volunteer leadership positions as Professional Members.
Annual dues: $175

Membership Dues

If you wish to request a refund of your dues, renouncing your membership, your request must take place within 30 days of becoming a member. After you have been a member for longer than 30 days, you are no longer eligible for a refund.

Professional Membership

Professional Membership is reserved for individuals who are currently, or were previously, employed in a professional capacity that relates to the field of Finance and who comply with the Association’s Code of Ethics. You must be a Professional Member to apply for and use the CMT designation.

To qualify for Member status, you must have attained a minimum of three (3) years of Approved Professional Work Experience prior to applying for membership. Approved professional work experience is defined as someone who:

  • Has worked professionally in a job role that relates to the field of Finance, including financial management, corporate finance, investment banking, accounting, audit, advisory services, research and analysis, banking, insurance, and other roles.
  • Supervises, oversees, or manages individuals or teams who practice such activities.
  • Teaches, trains, or coaches such activities.
  • Publicizes such activities as a member of the media.

Work may be either full-time or part-time, but prospective members must have received compensation for their services. For example, managing personal investments or those of family and/or friends’ investments (without compensation) does not constitute Approved Professional Work Experience, nor does volunteer activity.

You are not required to have technical analysis related work experience to apply for Member status. Read our President’s Letter explaining this requirement in more detail here.

To apply for Professional Member Status, you must:

  • Obtain three (3) sponsors who have Member status with the Association.
    • No more than one sponsor can be affiliated with a prospective member’s current employer.
  • Submit a Membership application.

Once a Member Application it submitted, it will not be possible to change sponsors. Each sponsor will receive a unique link, sent directly from the Submittable website, through which they will be able to complete a Sponsorship Questionnaire. Therefore, it is crucial that prospect members have explicit confirmation of sponsors’ willing to participate before submitting the application.

The CMT Association (or Board of Directors or Admissions Committee) recommends that prospective members seek out sponsors early in the CMT Program candidacy to foster relationships with them as mentors. Contact for assistance in finding sponsors.

Annual dues: $325

Professional Membership is reserved for individuals who practice technical analysis professionally. You must be a Member in order to apply for and use the CMT designation.

To qualify for Member status, you must have a minimum of three (3) years of Approved Professional Work Experience. Approved professional work experience is defined as someone who:

  • Administers, or adds value to, theoretical or practical application of technical analysis as part of the investment decision making process
  • Supervises, oversees, or manages individuals or teams who practice such activities
  • Teaches, trains, or coaches such activities
  • Publicizes such activities as a member of the media

Work must be fulltime, and you must receive compensation for your services. Managing your own or your family and/or friends’ investments (without compensation) does not constitute Approved Professional Work Experience. Read our President’s Letter explaining this requirement in more detail here.

To apply for Professional Member Status, you must:

  • Confirm three (3) sponsors who have Member status with the Association
    • No more than one sponsor can be affiliated with your current firm
  • Submit your Membership application

Once you submit your Member Application you will not be able to change your sponsors. Each sponsor will receive a unique link, sent directly from Submittable, through which they will be able to complete their Sponsorship Questionnaire. Therefore, it is crucial that you have explicit confirmation before submitting your application.

Annual dues: $325

Best Practices

  • Save your application as a draft until you receive confirmation from your three (3) sponsors.
  • Wait until all three (3) sponsors are confirmed before you enter their emails in your application and submit it.
    • Applications with less than three (3) sponsors will not be accepted
  • Once you submit your application, notify your sponsors that they will receive an email directly from Submittable to complete their questionnaire. If your sponsor has difficulty locating this email, they may need to check their “spam” or “promotional” folders.
  • Revisit your application to check on the status of your outstanding sponsorship questionnaires.
  • Remind sponsors to complete their questionnaire if it has not been received after 7 days.

Check the Status of Your Application

  • You can check the status of your application in Submittable.

Membership Applications Received Before June 2021

If you submitted a Membership Application, or Sponsorship Questionnaires in support of a future application prior to June 2021, you must reach out to for information and instructions on how to upload your application to the new system.



Work Experience

Obtain three years of professional work experience. Identify and confirm three sponsors within the CMT Association.


Application & Questionnaires

Applicant completes the professional member application; submission automatically notifies sponsors to complete questionnaires.


Admissions Committee

Completed applications sent to the Admissions Committee for review.


Board Approval

Completed applications are sent to the Board for final review. The entire review process can take 6-8 weeks upon receiving a completed application.